Journyx/Journyx PX 12.x and 13.x: Updated January 8, 2024
This document describes the process for registering a Journyx server in your Microsoft Azure® portal to grant access to Single Sign-On (SSO) or Exchange calendars and tasks for the Suggestions feature in Journyx. This process should be performed by a member of your IT staff whose has permissions to create App Registrations in your Azure portal.
Before you begin, you need to gather the following information or requirements:
- A license key enabling SSO/Exchange Integration. Contact your Journyx Sales Representative.
- The Journyx server URL – referred to as YOUR_URL below.
Important: Please note that your Journyx site should be using SSL (TLS encryption); otherwise, malicious users with access to your network can violate protocol security. That means the Journyx server URL should have the https:// prefix. - An administrative login on the Journyx server.
- Access to your organizations' Azure Portal with sufficient permission to create App Registrations.
- Decide if you want the Journyx server to use Azure Single Sign-On (SSO). Users will be signed into the Journyx server through their organization account via Microsoft Azure.
- Important: Use of SSO is optional, but if you are planning to use it, you must ensure that all of your Journyx user accounts have their Username (login ID) field set to the same Azure Username (UPN) field as their accounts in your organization's Azure Portal (or their home organizations if allowing multiple tenants). Often the Username (UPN) field is set to an email address but that is not required.
- If you want to use Single Sign on using your Exchange accounts and have Journyx user logins set to the user’s Azure Username, you can enable the SSO at this point. For this you have to login to the server as the USER THAT INSTALLED JOURNYX and issue the following command.
setkey AAD_USE_SSO=Yes
- If you have a Windows server, use the Start->Journyx->Journyx Command Line Prompt to issue this command.
- If you are using a Linux server, go to the Journyx install directory and source the setup file. Then issue this command.
- If you are a Journyx Cloud customer, you will need to contact Journyx Support for this step.
- Decide if you want to use the Journyx Suggestions feature. This allows entry screen users to import entries from Exchange Calendar events and Exchange Tasks.
- Important: Please note that this feature only works if the Exchange Server is in the cloud (as with Office 365), or it is in a hybrid cloud/local setup. It does not work with a purely local Exchange Server or Microsoft Outlook client software locally installed.
- Decide if you want to allow multiple Azure tenants (organizations) access to this application (also known as multi-tenant access). For example, you administer a single Journyx server and wish to allow users from multiple Azure domains to sign in with SSO and/or retrieve Exchange Calendar events.
- You need to gather the GUID (tenant Directory ID) of each tenant you wish to allow access to your Journyx server.
- You can obtain the tenant GUID in one of two ways.
- Go back to the top-level Microsoft Azure Dashboard. Find the Azure Active Directory link and select it. Then select Properties. Your tenant GUID will be labeled "Directory ID".
- The second method, which can be accessed directly from the App Registrations area, is to look at the Endpoints panel of the App Registrations screen. The first component of each URL (after the domain) is the tenant GUID – an alphanumeric code like 83db927a-db55-44ba-82ef-25aa3e32342f
Azure Portal Registration Instructions (v2 endpoint)
- In Azure Portal (, go to the "App registrations" panel.
- Click "New Registration"
- Give the app registration a name such as "Journyx". This name will appear on the Microsoft sign-in screen to help users identify which product/service they are signing into.
- Choose a "Supported account type"
- If you wish to allow multiple Azure tenants (organizations) access, be sure to select "Any Azure-AD directory - Multitenant"
- Click Register
- Once the new App Registration has been completed, click on Authentication
- Under Platform configurations
- Select "Add a platform"
- Select Web
- Add the following WEB Redirect URI
Be sure to replace YOUR_URL/ with the actual URL, e.g. - Set the Front-Channel Logout URL as follows:
Be sure to replace YOUR_URL/ with the actual URL, e.g. - Under "Implicit grant", check the box for "ID Tokens"
- Click Save
- Sign on URL should be your basic server URL, for example: YOUR_URL =
- Under Platform configurations, click Add a platform
- Select iOS / macOS under Mobile and desktop applications
- Paste the following bundle ID and click configure - com.journyx.JournyxMobile
It should show the Bundle ID of com.journyx.JournyxMobile and Redirect URI of If so, then click DONE
- Under Platform configurations, click Add a platform
- Select Android under Mobile and desktop applications
- Paste the following and then click configure:
Package Name -
Signature hash - O6k69yeYPfmfQkbbXqJFhSCqg8A=
It should show the package name and signature hash that match what you entered above as well as the Redirect URI of msauth:// If so, then click DONE
- Under the Android platform you just added, select Add URI
- Paste the following:
Package Name -
Signature hash - 2624iHTqLqfDwu3dDvEK4BZqZ+g=
It should show the package name and signature hash that match what you entered above as well as the Redirect URI of msauth://
- Paste the following:
- Click the SAVE button at the bottom of the screen to save these changes
- Select "Add a platform"
- Under Platform configurations
- Branding & properties
- If desired, you can set other properties here that will impact the end user experience. The name and logo image will be shown in sign-on screens.
- Certificates & secrets
- Click "New Client Secret"
- Type a description, e.g. "Production Journyx Server". Then select a duration. (Note that making use of key expirations is recommended for security, but you will have to come back and generate a new key here at some point.)
- Click Add. ***A generated value will then be displayed. Copy the value and save it somewhere as it will not be shown again.***
- API Permissions
- There should already be one permission automatically granted: Sign in and read user profile. If you are only using SSO and not Suggestions, this is the only permission you need. If you are using SSO and Suggestions you need this Sign in and read user profile permission, plus the ones in the next step.
- If you are opting to use Exchange Calendar/Task Suggestions on Journyx entry screens, you must grant permission to read the calendar and tasks. Leave the default "Sign in" permission there and click the Add a permission button. Choose Microsoft Graph, then click Delegated permissions.
- You will see a long list of Graph permissions. Select the following:
Calendars > Calendars.Read.Shared
Tasks > Tasks.Read.Shared
Tasks > Tasks.Read - Make sure those three are checked, then click the Add permissions button at the bottom.
- Note that if you do not wish shared tasks/calendars to be viewed through Journyx, you can opt for the version of these permissions which doesn't include shared items.
- You will see a long list of Graph permissions. Select the following:
- Once the permissions are added, you must Grant Permissions by clicking the Grant admin consent for ... button
- To complete the registration, you need to tell the Journyx server about it. Collect the following pieces of information from the "Overview" pane:
- Application (client) ID: This looks like groups of random numbers and letters (a GUID).
- Directory (tenant) ID: It will look like: add2a70c-d01e-47db-8521-739c77b1b0b2. If you are using multi-tenanted access, you need to collect the GUID of each tenant.
- The Client Secret you generated in step 5 above.
- Log into your Journyx site as an administrator. Then go to Settings → System Settings → Security Settings.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and enter the 3 pieces of information from above. Then click Save.
- Make sure the Journyx option "Use the v2.0 Azure Endpoint" is checked.
- After you enter the information, there is a button to Save Settings and Test Azure Connection.
- Please note that this will only test that the provided Azure credentials are valid.
- In particular, it does NOT test whether all aspects of the Azure Portal app registration are correct, such as the Reply URLs or granted permissions.
- If you wish to use Calendar/Task Suggestions, there is a separate checkbox for that. Please contact Journyx support for additional guidance regarding before engaging this option.
- Access to the Calendar/Task Suggestions feature must be enabled by an administrator using the checkbox on the Entry Screen Configuration. See the in-product Help for Configuration > Entry Screens for detailed information for how to grant individual users access to use Suggestions.
- In addition, each individual user can opt in/out of Suggestions via a checkbox on their Preferences screen. See the in-product Help for Preferences > Entry screens for more information.
- If you are not using SSO, individual users will need to link their Azure account to Journyx by using the provided "Link Account" button on either the Time Entry Screen or on the Entry Screen Preferences page. See the in-product Help for Preferences > Entry screens for more information.
- In the event that SSO has been enabled and some situation or identity requires login using Journyx internal credentials, the site can be accessed bypassing the SSO by using a URL with the nosso=1 GET argument. E.g.