What is "My Projects List"?

My Projects List is a way that your user has control over what projects that they can see on their entry screens.  It's useful if your user can see hundreds of projects but only really logs time to a subset of those.  However, sometimes users enable My Projects and forget that they did and are confused when new projects don't show up.

How do I tell if "My Projects List" is active?

At the top of your Project column ( may be renamed in your install of Journyx ) you will have a number in parenthesis.  This the number of projects in your "My Projects List".  If this number is 0 then "My Projects List" is not active.  If it is any number other than 0 then it is active.

How do I enable "My Projects List"?

Click the number in the parenthesis.  A new window will pop up that will look similar to the below.  Simply select projects on the left side under Available Projects and click the "Add ->" button to add them to your list.  Click "Save" when done to save the changes.

How do I modify "My Projects List"?

You employ the same steps above.  Use the buttons below each section to either "Add ->" or "<- Remove" projects from your "My Projects List".

How do I disable "My Projects List"?

Click the number in the parenthesis.  A new window will pop up that will look similar to the below.  Simply select projects on the right side under My Projects and click the "<- Remove" button to remove them from your list.  If you want to remove all of the projects from "My Projects List" click "Remove All".

Click "Save" when done to save the changes.