You can import bank statements and credit card files containing your expenses for the Expense Entry period by clicking the Import Credit Card Entries button. This will prompt a pop-up window allowing you to select the file to import into the system (see figure 30.10). Select the file by clicking the Browse button. When complete, click the Import button. Supported file formats include Open Financial Exchange (.ofx and .qfx) files, as well as the older .qif Quicken Interchange Format files. OFX/QFX files are often provided by banks and credit card providers via the 'Download Transactions' button or similar features.
You will be presented with all the records in your file along with the option to choose individual entries and set the Project, Expense Code, Currencies, Sources, and Comment for each entry. The defaults for these columns will be chosen from your Expense Entry screen defaults.
The Comment will be automatically included in each entry as a result of the import, along with the date and the amount. Once you have selected your entries and selected all of the details, you can click on the Save button. This will close the pop-up window and your expense entry screen will contain the expenses you selected in your credit card data file. Expenses in .ofx/.qfx/.qif files can only be selected on the expense entry screen that corresponds to the same period as the date of the expense entry.